Monday, August 31, 2009

Future of banking

The global financial crisis has pointed to the age-old truth that size does not count. In the end, it is good financial accounting, corporate governance and risk management that matter.
Do you think this development will change the parameters set for Malaysian banks to be managed and regulated?

Our regulatory and supervisory framework has always placed emphasis on strong governance, effective risk management and having adequate capital buffers rather than on placing restrictions on size.

The supervisory expectation with respect to governance and risk management structures and practices will, however, be strengthened over time to stay ahead of developments in the financial system.

For institutions that have become exceptionally large, more rigorous surveillance will, however, be imposed and the expectations will be higher. There will essentially be tougher supervisory oversight on such systemically important institutions. This will allow for early intervention and thus prevent widespread disruptions to the overall financial system as well as high resolution costs.While there is no restriction on how large an institution may become, a minimum size is important. After the Asian financial crisis, the minimum capital requirement was raised. This not only allowed for greater economies of scale and the ability to invest in the required technology and talent, but also strengthened the level of resilience to external developments

What is your take on how far central banks are actually taking steps to control future crises?
A central bank cannot micro-manage. It has to ensure that the system has the governance and risk management structures and practices in place.

There should also be no gaps in the financial system where you have highly regulated and non-regulated institutions, for instance, in the US.

In our case, our investment banks are jointly regulated by Bank Negara and the Securities Commission. So it has to do with the regulatory coverage and scope of the regulation.
It is during good times that one needs to build the buffers, and this is what we also did. Our banks are very well-capitalised and not over-leveraged as we have a huge deposit base to begin with.

Let your mind roam far and wide, you can make a big difference if you shine your light somewhere it doesn't usually hit.

Life is like an acting scene in a movie. The only the different it is in a reality world. We can see that there a lot of people is ‘pretending’ in everything they do not like to do. Some do so because of some purpose intention to do something bad. Acting requires skills to control your own behavior and emotion at the same time. A good actor can manipulate others well.

Is manipulation key to success??? Do we need to manipulate others to gain what we want???? I don’t think so that is necessary, this is because we can gain something by just working hard. Determination and hardship will lead you anywhere you want to be.
Why should we need to act becoming someone we are not? Just be yourself, and adapt to the new environment. Be strong to your own stand; do be afraid of what others got to say about you. Trusting your own ability will build you to be a stronger individual and somehow be a strong competitor to others.

My employer once told me that teenagers now a day could not stand to face suffering in order to achieve success. Part of it I agree but then again it all depends on that teenager. To me I can adapt the suffering by invert it into something positive. Then again there is truth behind what she say, there some individual that always want an easy way to achieve something. That is why crime acts are sky rocketing.

Just imagine you are a famer, you put the seeds on the soil and then wait it to grow until it bare fruits or vegetables. DO you think it will grow? Ask yourself. Without watering it, put soil or taking care of that seeds. I don’t think so it can grow. Unless you ‘tanam’ use hydroponic. So at the end of the day, you are just wasting your time. Put some effort and you will feel and see the outcome and benefits.

If you want to achieve something and need motivation, look beneath yourself and for sure you will find it. Self motivation must be built in you naturally, with it you can venture where ever you want, you can achieve unbelievable achievement. So why wait, we are still young, we should grab all the opportunity we see and given to us. Some opportunity would not come twice in your life. It won’t come rolling to you or drop from the sky, so don’t just sit comfortably. Do something for the good for yourself, family and future.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

~bdy party~

double bdy celebration (with cecilia)


Hola..22.22!!!! so fast yet so old ad..22/08/2009 anthr day where i got older 1 more year..hahaha. My ofis frenz gave me a suprise party a da y b4 my bdy..we ate piza..lotsss piza..hahaha.n ate a beautiful n yummy cake..baked by one of them..thxx was fun..was happy with themm..we took lots photo after we ate..hahaha..kenyang gileee...

22/8-mum buy my fav aiskrim..hahhaa..thn we make it as my bdy cake..hahaha..put 22 candles..after we light it..looks mcm the aiskrim tbakkar..hahahha..but it was fun..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hari ini saya melihat kawan-kawan ku menghadiri konvo mereka. Minda dan hati saya tidak sabar ingin mencapai ke tahap itu. Walaupun ia akn datang tidak lama lagi, saya masih perlu mengharungi pelbagai rintangan. Onak duri yang begitu memedihkan terpaksa dilalui dengan penuh kesabaran.
Adakala minda yang kosong ini mula berfikir...betulkah saya akan Berjaya dalam hidup?? Adakah i telah mengambil langkah yang betul?? Jawapannye telah terjawab dengan melihat apa yang telah dicapai sekarang..
Masa berlalu sepantas kilat..tidak sempat kita melihatnye ia telah melalui kite..adakah kite menghargai masa yang ada..tepuk dada Tanya sendiri..detik-detik manis sebagai pelajar memang tidak boleh dilupakan.Adakala saya mejenguk di luar jendela melihat kanak-kanak kecil bermain..lalu mengimbas kembali zaman-zaman kanak-kanak..Era tadika hingga lah ke university. Kenangan akan tinggal kenangan sahaja.Memori yeng indah tidak akan luput begitu sahaja. Kalau lah otak kita ada USB port boleh lah I ‘transfer’ ke external hard disk.
Hidup ini sangat pendek, bila-bila sahaja ia akan berhenti. Oleh itu dengan jasad yang ada sekarang, buatlah sesuatu yang bermakna bukan hanya untuk diri anda tetapi juga untuk orang lain. Ingatlah orang yang tersayang.Insan yang telah mendidik kamu sejak dari kecil lagi.Ingatlah jasa mereka yang tidak boleh dibeli dengan wang ringgit

Berada dalam dunia pekerjaan sesuatu yang lain daripada zaman-zaman di sekolah. Sudah 2 bulan 19 hari kita membuat praktikal. Banyak kenangan dan ilmu saya telah pelajari. Yang paling penting ialah persahabatan baru yang terjalin. Ia adalah sesuatu yang nilainya lebih daripada segalanya. Dengan mempunyai scenario seperti ini hidup anda di tempat kerja akan menjadi lebih ceria dan selesa. Di akhir-akhir hari praktikal kita akan rasa keberatan untuk meninggalkan mereka. Gelak ketawa bersama akan hanya tinggal kenangan. Teringat semula ‘meeting’ yang selalu diadakan selepas lunch time. Banyak masa gembira bersama mereka. Kita pernah mengadakan Parti pizza,parti pau dan majlis hari jadi yand diadakan di dalam ofis.
Saat-saat semua ini tidak boleh dilupakan begitu sahaja, ia akan menjadi kenangan seumur hidup. Ia akan menjadi salah satu detik yang akan tercatat dalam babak-babak kehidupan saya. Selepas ini focus akan beralih semula kepada pembelajaran. Saya akan cuba mencapai target yang telah saya tetapkan. Saya yakin dengan diri sendiri yang saya akan dan boleh mencapai target itu. Sudah semestinya saya akan berusaha degan lebih gigih dan tekun bagi mencapai kejayaan.